Flat Tyre? Need Roadside Assistances

Broken down with a flat tyre? We operate a 24 hour roadside assistance service for tyre replacement. call 07875937353 and we will have you back on your way is no time.

Our skilled technicians are experienced and fully trained our uniquely designed vans carry the very latest tyre-fitting technology, including computerised wheel balances.

Tyre Replacement Procedure
  • Stage 1: Locking off of the wheel nuts
  • Stage 2: The vehicle is then jacked into position using manufacturers recommended jacking points.
  • Stage 3: Once the car is jacked, we remove the nuts completely with our power torque wrenches. Then take the wheel off the vehicle.
  • Stage 4: We remove all the existing balance weight from the wheel before placing it onto our state of the art tyre removal/fitting machine.
  • Stage 5: Using this automated machine, we remove the tyre from the wheel ensuring no damage is done to the rim in the process.
  • Stage 6: Ensure the wheel inner rim is clean
  • Stage 7: Replacement of the old valve with a correctly fitted new valve.
  • Stage 8: Mounting of the new tyre onto the wheel using the same machine we used to remove the old tyre.
  • Stage 9: The wheel is then inflated to the correct manufacturers recommended pressure for the tyre and vehicle in question.
  • Stage 10: Wheel is removed from the tyre-fitting machine and mounted into place on the computerised wheel-balancing machine.
  • Stage 12: Once a discrepancy is found within the balance of the wheel, the computerised balancer locates this and the correct weight is added onto the rim of the wheel to balance the wheel out.
  • Stage 13: The wheel is then remounted onto the hub, then using existing wheel nuts, the wheel is tightened onto the car using air powered torque wrench.
  • Stage 14: The vehicle is lowered off the jack and all wheel nuts are checked for correct torque

Once all 14 of these stages are successfully accomplished, our service to you is complete.